What former campers say about Tech Trek!
Aditi was selected for the inaugural Alabama Tech Trek camp in 2014. Aditi leveraged her experience at Tech Trek to apply for a six-week Research Science Institute program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She was one of 80 high-school students selected. Read more here.
Tech Trek 2014 Camper
Meet Aditi Limaye
"I would never have had the confidence to apply without Tech Trek, and all that followed it."
“The thing that made me most excited about Tech Trek was that it wasn't just like school and that it was more hands on and interesting.”
“After being here for only a week, I feel that this is a great honor to be here, and I wish that more girls can get the opportunity to do this.“
“I think I was most excited about the Professional Women's Night because I've always been intrigued by the idea of having mentors or some type of role model to follow or just having someone to shadow for assistance and guidance.“
2023 Tech Trek
“My biggest take-away from Tech Trek was how important it is for women to have careers in STEM. ”
“I would really recommend this to other girls who have the chance to do Tech Trek - to do it! It was a great memorable experience and I feel that I learned a lot. Thank you!“
“My camp experience taught me that nothing can hold me back from enjoying what I love most, and that is STEM. I have always had a passion for it, and if possible, Tech Trek boosted it even more, to the point where I can confidently tell anyone I come across that I am a STEMinist and I will pursue STEM in my future, and if they can't handle that, then it is their problem. Tech Trek has given me confidence as to who I can be, and I intend to embrace it in the future.“
2022 Tech Trek
“My time at Tech Trek helped me get a better look on my future and what it could look like. I also now have a better understanding of STEM careers, how they work, and what it's like to be in one.”
“I had a great experience while attending Tech Trek. I learned what Cyber Security actually was, I learned binary, I learned about physics, learned about cyber attacks, I made new friends, I learned how to make a stronger pass code, and I learned how to crack pass codes.“
“I really loved it here and I would love to come back. It was very fun here and a lot of amazing people were here supporting me and being my friends. This is an experience I won't forget anytime soon!“
2019 Tech Trek
"It made me realize that when I work to do things like STEM or things that are associated with STEM I am actually helping women or girls get recognition for actually being able to do things that people think or just for men.Now I actually will feel even more confident in my math and science classes."
"My experience at Tech Trek was wonderful, I learned about new STEM careers, improved on communication and open mindedness. I have learned about space and more. Also, before I came here I would have never wanted to become a Plasma Physicist - it is SOOO interesting."
2018 Tech Trek
"I feel like I can do anything as long as I put my mind to it and as long as I work hard."
"My experience at Tech Trek was great overall. I have learned that there are many STEM careers that I never knew were a part of STEM. I learned that even if we all come from different places, it can make a difference what you learn from the other girls around you."
"I can accomplish more than I thought I could previously. I was always partly interested in STEM classes, but now I think I will try to take more and possibly some clubs too."
2017 Tech Trek
"It was great. Fun, full of joy. Full of learning. Full of laughing. All around, it's a great atmosphere to be in, and I would totally recommend it to other rising 8th graders."
"Tech Trek has truly been the highlight of my summer so far. I learned so much about cyber security, programming, jobs in STEM fields, and so much more. I also learned how to work better as a team, which is going to be really important in the future."
"I already had a STEM career as my goal, and Tech Trek reinforced this. Professional Women's Night was also very inspiring for me and the women had great advice not only about careers, but about life as well."
2016 Tech Trek
"My experience at Tech Trek was outstanding. I had an amazing time meeting some wonderful girls. I have for sure learned so much this camp. My favorite was how to program a robot to do certain task."
"My experience at Tech Trek was amazing. I made many new friends and learned things that i never imagined I
would. I learned how to create apps and do things with the world of STEM. We learned lots of things and I have improved lots in the stem fields. If I could do this camp again as a camper I totally would. It has been the best week of my life and I'm very sad its over."
2015 Tech Trek
"I feel more confident and less alone (now that I know more women are in STEM fields). STEM classes seem much more interesting now and I am more inclined to take more of them!"
"I feel more confident about taking STEM classes because I know now that there is nothing holding me back. I feel that since I have attended Tech Trek, I have become much more invested in the idea of a STEM career."
"I learned so much! I've never had such an amazing experience! I met so many friends. I really suggest this camp to everyone."